Siljanovska Davkova: EU membership remains top Macedonian state interest and priority
- President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova addressed Friday evening a traditional annual reception for diplomatic corps representatives in the country, pointing out that EU membership has been and remains a top state interest and priority, while Brussels is the Macedonian strategic destination.

Skopje, 18 January 2025 (MIA) - President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova addressed Friday evening a traditional annual reception for diplomatic corps representatives in the country, pointing out that EU membership has been and remains a top state interest and priority, while Brussels is the Macedonian strategic destination.
"I wish that in 2025 we move towards the European political home where have been and where we are geographically, historically and culturally. If the Western Balkans is the "Achilles' heel" for poetically minded Western politicians, then they should make sure it is not hit by any weapon. I wish, on behalf of all citizens, that we Europeanize according to the Copenhagen model on the wings of the Reform Agenda. The Balkans is a natural part of Europe, membership will be a powerful motive for democratic changes in the region, which will permanently end the threat of destabilization and Balkanization! Diplomacy has a particularly important role in recognizing the negative trends that are a major challenge for Europe as a zone of lasting peace, in Kant's sense of the word," said Siljanovska Davkova.
"The European Convention on Fundamental Rights, as equal in importance to the Lisbon Treaty, a constitutional document, also states in its Preamble that the EU will respect the diverse cultures and traditions of European peoples and national identities. These are precisely our fundamental principles and I, as President of the Republic, advocate for their respect. Either we are equal or we are not. In the 21st century, at a time when there is the UN, the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, the Council of Europe, the Strasbourg Court, the EU, the Luxembourg Court... it is hypocrisy to reiterate and act by the formula: 'the strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must'... As a state, as a Macedonian nation, we recognize ourselves in the monumental words of Delors, heavy as stone, and without any narcissism or exaggeration, we consider ourselves to be the soul that we are trying to unite with the flesh and bones of the Union. That is what we want, that is our strategic goal for which we have been fighting hard for more than 30 years," Siljanovska Davkova pointed out.
Although we are a small country, she added, we want to be recognized for our specificities.
She noted that she personally believes not only in traditional diplomacy, but also in cultural, economic, and sports diplomacy.
"I do not see diplomacy as "take it or leave it", but as the art of the possible, and even the impossible. Personally, I prefer green tables to green military uniforms. Personally, I prefer battle with arguments to battle with weapons. Personally, I believe in the idea of European unification as a philosophy of peace," the President pointed out.
She said the role of the United Nations as guarantor of world peace and order needs to be restored, adding that global challenges also include climate change, migration, the revision of history, anti-Semitism...
"If the right to life is the basic human right, let's not forget it. The Russia-Ukraine war is still raging on our continent, with many human casualties, destruction, the use of supersonic weapons, drones, and the use of artificial intelligence for military purposes. In the Middle East, a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is imminent. The situation in Syria is uncertain. We have sided with Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian military operation, and we believe that this is not only due to the common European policy, but also out of principle. And I ask – what happened to international law, international organizations, international courts? How long will we refer to Thucydides instead of Kant, I often ask? Aren't you diplomats Kantians, not Machiavellians? Aren't you the top promoters and defenders of peace? Of course, we also have to think about our defense. I will remind you of a great German politician, Helmut Kohl, who said: “Russia is Germany's most important neighbor in the East, and it will remain so.” Does Putin think this way too, I wonder? Not to reiterate what I said in New York, but the global organization needs deep reforms, it must not suffer the fate of the League of Nations," said Siljanovska Davkova.
"I wish for a decent, steady European state, rule of law, with a democratic political system, an independent judiciary based on the rule of law and committed to the protection of human rights, which enjoys the trust of citizens; respected minorities and protected vulnerable groups, a society of equal citizens, a healthy environment, a competitive market economy; a developed civil society sector; strong and stable institutions; a meritocratic administration of the Weberian type, loyal to the Constitution and the laws, and not to party patrons, a responsible government, a Constitutional Court that will protect constitutionality and legality and fundamental human rights; objective and responsible media, quality education, stimulated science, respected culture, supported sports, a developed healthcare system, a welfare state. In one sentence: Satisfied citizens," the President added.
Addressing the reception, doyen of the diplomatic corps, Ambassador of Slovakia, Henrik Markus, wished those present good health, prosperity, and success in their professional and personal lives. He praised President Siljanovska Davkova for her extraordinary efforts in supporting initiatives to assist oncology patients and other vulnerable groups.
Photo: President Siljanovska Davkova's Office