• недела, 06 октомври 2024

Mickoski: Time of criminals in politics a thing of the past, time now for honest politicians working in interest of people and country

Mickoski: Time of criminals in politics a thing of the past, time now for honest politicians working in interest of people and country

Makedonska Kamenica, 28 August 2024 (MIA) - Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said Wednesday the time of criminals in politics is a thing of the past and that now is the time for honest politicians working for their people and country, while adding that citizens will be able to report deviant conduct by individuals in the local and national authorities.

PM Mickoski was quizzed by reporters on yesterday's statement regarding the attempt to bribe him for the Corridor VIII project and information from the Public Prosecutor's Office that no report has been filed yet.

"I see some centers of influence being rattled about the public procurement carried out by the previous government led by SDSM and DUI. I decided to publicly fight against crime and corruption and that is why I gave that statement. This is a message that the time of criminals in politics is a thing of the past and that now is the time for honest politicians who love their people and country and work in their interests," said Mickoski.

He said a special team would be set up within his Office, including a hotline at which citizens can report deviant conduct of administrative workers and politicians, both locally and nationally.

"We must fight crime and corruption because we are in the midst of a pandemic. This is the main goal of this VMRO-DPMNE-led government. As long as I am PM, there will be no place for criminals in politics and that is why I send a message to all elected and appointed officials from VMRO-DPMNE - by keeping your reputation, you are keeping my and the party's reputation. All those who think they should enjoy in politics and not serve the people will be punished, whereas the ones who commit crimes will face justice," said Mickoski.

Photo: MIA


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