• сабота, 22 февруари 2025

Religious calendars

Religious calendars

29 January 2025 (MIA)

Macedonian Orthodox Church Calendar

Feast of St. Peter’s Chains

The chain that bound St. Peter in the year 67, when he was imprisoned, prior to his Roman martyrdom in the Mamertine Prison were enshrined in St. Pietro in Vincoli Church in Rome, as a precious relic by Pope Alexander I. The second chain is said to be that which bound him in Jerusalem until he was rescued from jail by the angel. When the angel appeared to the imprisoned Peter and told him to follow him in to freedom, “the chains dropped from Peter’s wrists.” The second chain, perhaps brought from the Holy Land by Empress Eudoxia, was joined to the first chain, whether by a metalsmith or, as some think, by a miracle. These double bonds were much venerated in past centuries. But even if their history has legendary elements, the very name, St. Peter in Chains, symbolizes something that has always been true of the first bishop of Rome and the popes who have succeeded him. Persecution has always been an occupational hazard for those who have been elected to the Chair of Peter. All have been more or less “in chains.”

Catholic church

Blessed Julian Maunoir

Having learned the Breton language, and developed a phonetic Breton alphabet, while teaching in Quimper, Julian was well suited for evangelizing the impoverished people of Brittany. He was assigned as a home missionary for 43 years, holding 375 missions, and becoming the principal cause of religious renewal in the province. The bishops encouraged his work and many secular priests joined in his mission. He died at an advanced age, worn out by his labors. He was beatified by Pope Pius XII in 1952.

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