• петок, 21 февруари 2025

Religious calendars

Religious calendars

26 January 2025 (MIA)

Macedonian Orthodox Church Calendar

Martyrs Hermylos and Stratonicus

These two martyrs died near Singidunum, today’s Belgrade, in the year 315. St. Hermylos became known among the Christians due to his good deeds. As soon as emperor Likinij heard about him he ordered Hermylos to be put in prison. One night in the prison, the guard Stratonicus saw Hermylos talk to an angel. The next day Hermylos was tortured. Seeing how he was tortured, Stratonicus could not hold back his tears. After severe torture, they were both drowned in the Danube River.

Catholic Calendar

St. Timothy and Titus

After the holiday the conversation with St. Paul, the church celebrates the day of his two disciples: Timothy and Titus. Timothy was born in Listre, today’s Middle East. His father was Pagan and his mother was Jewish. On his first journey, Timothy addressed St. Paul and since then he became his favorite student. Timothy invested his entire life in spreading of Christianity. St. titus comes from Pagan Greek family. After the conversation with St. Paul, he followed him on his third journey. Timothy and Titus were good bishops and shepards of Jesus’ followers.

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