• петок, 21 февруари 2025

Public Health Institute ahead of Skopje water outage: Reserve water emergency supplies

Public Health Institute ahead of Skopje water outage: Reserve water emergency supplies

Skopje, 20 December 2024 (MIA) — Ahead of the announced water outage in many parts of Skopje — the city's water will be turned off at 10 pm so that utility crews can make long-overdue repairs on the capital's water line system, which are expected to take 24 hours — the Public Health Institute has issued several recommendations to the general public.


The PHI recommends that people should reserve water emergency supplies by:


  • Fillling clean pots with water for essential uses, including cooking.


  • Setting aside potable water containers for drinking — at least four liters per person per day.


  • Filling some buckets (or a bathtub) with water for general washing needs or to use for flushing toilets. 


The PHI also recommends that while tap water is out of service due to the disruption, people should save water and use it only for basic needs (drinking, cooking, personal hygiene).


"Postpone activities that use up a lot of water, such as doing the laundry, car washing etc.," the PHI said.


While the water is out, people are recommended to use hand sanitizer and wet wipes; cook meals that don't require too much water to make or to clean after; use disposable eating utensils (plates, cups, bowls); and, if using water from unconventional sources (such as their own wells), boil the water before use.


(A notice to boil water before use means the water might contain bacteria which could be harmful to your health. To stay safe, bring water to a full rolling boil for at least one minute before using it — whether for drinking, brushing your teeth, making ice cubes, preparing food, cleaning dishes or giving it to pets.)


According to the PHI, during the water outage, people should follow the local news and take note of further announcements about disruptions in water supply issued by the water utility company.


Also: Babies, children, nursing mothers, seniors, and people with health issues may need more water. Make sure there is enough water for them as well as for any pets or medical emergencies.


Finally, according to the PHI, people should share water with their neighbors and care about the vulnerable people in their community.


In addition to communicating these recommendations to the general public, the PHI has also issued special recommendations on how medical facilities and restaurants can meet the required health and hygiene standards during the water outage. mr/

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