Filipche says SDSM distancing itself from DUI, a ‘symbol of corruption and divisions’
- In an interview for Nezavisen, SDSM leader Venko Filipche dismissed potential opportunities for the party to work with DUI and stressed the need for policies that unite, instead of ones that divide.

Skopje, 9 January 2025 (MIA) - In an interview for Nezavisen, SDSM leader Venko Filipche dismissed potential opportunities for the party to work with DUI and stressed the need for policies that unite, instead of ones that divide.
“SDSM will never again allow itself to be put in the same framework or be subordinate to any party, especially not DUI. The corrupt stigma that has surrounded this party for years is something that we are clearly and unequivocally distancing ourselves from. Their rhetoric and the constant incitement of ethnic tensions as a tool for political action is unacceptable and dangerous. There is no room for such policies in our multiethnic society,” Filipche said.
The SDSM leader said DUI’s political practices prevent the country’s progress.
“DUI is continuing these practices, while VMRO-DPMNE is only profiting and raising the heat. Despite condemning them in public and claiming they are in conflict, their informal cooperation is more than obvious. Their joint votes in Parliament as well as Artan Grubi’s mysterious escape only confirm the suspicions of their hidden deals,” Filipche said.
Filipche said the alleged cooperation creates political instability and harms interethnic relations in the country.
“The recent events, such as the incidents on Albanian Flag Day, are a direct result of this policy of divisions and provocations. This is not the path that Macedonia should take. Instead of talking about economic progress, EU integration and a better life for the citizens, we are constantly returning to topics that create tensions and conflict,” Filipche said.
Regarding SDSM’s future potential cooperation with the parties of the ethnic Albanians in the country, Filipche underlined it would be based on shared values and transparency.
“SDSM will work with parties that share our commitments to transparency, reforms and creating policies that bring the citizens together instead of dividing them. We won’t allow ethnic issues to be used as a tool for covering up corruption or incompetence,” Filipche underlined.
Photo: SDSM