• вторник, 16 јули 2024

Nikoloski – Gabriel: Government focused on capital investments

Nikoloski – Gabriel: Government focused on capital investments

Skopje, 16 July 2024 (MIA) - Minister of Transport and Communications Aleksandar Nikoloski met Tuesday with European Investment Bank (EIB) country representative Björn Gabriel, discussing the realization of capital investments and the opportunity for financial support from EIB.

Minister Nikolovski said that the Government is heavily focused on the realization of capital projects of economic importance for the domestic economy and regional connectivity, the Ministry of Transport and Communications said in a press release.

He also expressed gratitude for the cooperation so far, highlighting the importance of EIB's support for the realization of capital projects, and preparedness for continuing such cooperation in the future on projects of mutual interest.

"EIB is a long-standing partner of Macedonia in the construction of capital projects through which we improve infrastructure and quality of life," Nikolovski noted.

The minister also expressed belief that such cooperation will continue in the coming period because the Government program includes large infrastructure projects, reads the press release. ssh/ik/

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