Mickoski doesn't expect political crisis to emerge, says DUI will continue threating
- Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said Wednesday he doesn’t expect a political crisis ahead of this year’s local elections, noting he, however, expects DUI to continue issuing threats with the same intensity as before.

Skopje, 12 March 2025 (MIA) – Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said Wednesday he doesn’t expect a political crisis ahead of this year’s local elections, noting he, however, expects DUI to continue issuing threats with the same intensity as before.
Asked to comment on DUI’s announcement to file no-confidence motions against the Constitutional Court justices, Mickoski said DUI “couldn’t care less about the language or the constitutional justices.”
DUI is afraid of what might come to light involving their criminal activities because it is one of the opposition parties, according to him.
“They couldn’t care less about the language or the constitutional justices. They are afraid because they have gained capital in a criminal way in the past several years, especially in the past couple of years. Unfortunately, by amending the criminal code in a criminal way, they have secured amnesty for past crimes and there’s nothing we can do here,” Mickoski said responding to reporters’ questions at a cornerstone laying ceremony at the Markova Noga border crossing point with Greece.
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