• e enjte, 13 mars 2025

Construction begins on Markova Noga border checkpoint between North Macedonia and Greece

Construction begins on Markova Noga border checkpoint between North Macedonia and Greece

Resen, 12 March 2025 (MIA) - With the construction of the Markova Noga border checkpoint on the Macedonian-Greek border, which began with a cornerstone laying ceremony on Wednesday, the citizens on both sides of the border will intensify cultural exchange, as well as economic and tourism cooperation, said attendees at the ceremony held near the village of Dolno Dupeni in the Municipality of Resen.

According to Resen Mayor Jovan Tozievski, the project for the border crossing point, funded by the European Union and implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is significant since it will rejuvenate the Prespa region.

“I hope for many positive stories in the future, the development of tourism, greater flow of people, of course also for the local population to benefit from this project. In addition to this project, with the EU we are also working on another significant project called EU for Prespa which is in the final stage and is worth around EUR 20 million,” Tozievski said.

Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski also said the cornerstone laying ceremony marks a special day for Prespa, since, he said, the border checkpoint “is just one more step to connect the two Prespas on both sides of the border”.

“This is the direction we should continue to build our relations in, to connect, since this is the only way we can enter the field of vision of bigger countries,” Mickoski stressed.

Asked if he has changed his opinion about the Prespa Agreement, since the border checkpoint is a result of it, the PM said he has never changed his position but recognized the reality of the Prespa Agreement. 

“But also as many as six years ago I said that this is a reality. And if we want to be real politicians, then we will have to look reality in the eye. I am not someone who looks at politics as something imaginary, politics is practically the art of the possible,” Mickoski said. 

-На ниво на ЕУ напорно работиме во тесна соработка со Владата на Северна Македонија да се надминат сите преостанати прашања пред да ги отвориме преговорите. Има интензивна дипломатска активно

The EU Ambassador to North Macedonia, Michalis Rokas, also assessed the beginning of construction of the border crossing as an exceptional event and a “new era”.

“Today is a historic day. Yesterday when I visit the Municipality of Resen I was asked what the vision of the EU for the Prespa region is, I replied that the vision is what the citizens of these three parts of the border want. And they want more people-to-people exchanges, economic development, opportunities and of course, sustainability and preserving this area, the Prespa Lake which is of European biodiversity heritage,” Ambassador Rokas said.

The UNDP Resident Representative Armen Grigoryan stressed the UNDP would work for a timely completion of construction alongside its partners, the local authorities, national institutions and the Government.

“I think today is an important day when we can also prove that economic development and cross-border cooperation can go hand in hand with environmental sustainability,” Grigoryan said.

The border checkpoint is expected to be opened in 2028.

The checkpoint has been inactive more than 50 years. Its reopening was announced with the signing of the Prespa Agreement in 2018.

Photo: Government