• петок, 14 март 2025


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By accessing the web site www.mia.mk, you are accepting and are obliged to abide by the Terms of Use for using the contents of the web site www.mia.mk.

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Visitors of web site www.mia.mk are entitled to access all published contents via their Internet browsers for personal information only.

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The content of web site www.mia.mk is designed in line with professional journalistic and technical standards for a news agency. MIA is not responsible for possible direct or indirect consequences stemming from the use of these contents.

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Web site www.mia.mk, its contents, graphic and technical solutions are protected by copyright.

Informative contents of the web site www.mia.mk, amongst other things, are a part of the MIA Data Base. This database is owned by MIA and in accordance with the Law on Copyright and Related Right Protection, it is protected as original work of authorship.

Some of the informative contents of www.mia.mk produce information that are intellectual property of MIA’s business partners.

Web site www.mia.mk comprises of trademarks of the joint-stock company, including the trademark and name Media Information Agency and MIA. The trademarks of the joint-stock company cannot be used without an explicit written permission by MIA.

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Some of the links on web site www.mia.mk lead to web sites and services with other sources of information. MIA is not responsible, in any way, for the contents of those sites and services.



MIA informs that any unauthorized publishing of news, photos or videos in another media (print, electronic or internet portal) costs MKD 30,000 without VAT, for each publishing of news, photo or video.

Individual who publishes unauthorized news, photos or videos, agrees to these terms.

For any unauthorized publication, MIA will send an invoice to the publisher with a payment due within eight (8) days.

In case the invoice is not paid within the set deadline, a late payment interest rate will be calculated and a procedure for forced collection against the unauthorized publisher will be launched.