• e diel, 27 tetor 2024

SSM: Greedy retailers increase then lower prices, Government to take stricter measures

SSM: Greedy retailers increase then lower prices, Government to take stricter measures

Skopje, 25 October 2024 (MIA) - Retailers are greedy, trying to profit on the backs of citizens again. The Government needs to enact stricter measures, the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) president Slododan Trendafilov said on Friday, commenting on the effects on the autumn consumer basket.

According to him, retailers took advantage of the period when the decision to limit profit margins on basic food products was announced, first raising prices and then, when the measure was enforced, lowering them.

SSM does not expect a lot from the Law on Unfair Trade Practices because the State Market Inspectorate lacks personnel and cannot control a huge number of retailers.

Minister of Economy and Labor Besar Durmishi announced penalties after the New Year regarding the failure to apply the Law on Unfair Trade Practices. Until then, he added, warnings will be issued. The Commission for Protection of Competition has five members and three of them will be part of a special sector dealing only with infringements.

Është shqetësuese që krahas  rreziqeve me të cilat ballafaqohemi në vendet tona të punës, përballemi edhe me rreziqe kur vijmë dhe kthehemi nga puna. Fatkeqësisht, para dy javëve jetën e humb

"A total of 47 products from the consumer basket were covered by the autumn consumer basket. Unfortunately, retailers took advantage of the period when the measure was announced and prices were raised, hence the food and beverage consumer basket for September was increased by almost Mden 750 (EUR 12), and now, for October, it was reduced by Mden 960 (EUR 16). Retailers are greedy, trying to profit on the backs of citizens again. The prices they increased in September were reduced in October, thus retaining the same profit. I believe that the Government should take stricter measures to prevent such occurrences. We are waiting for a decision to limit profit margins with the Law on Unfair Trade Practices, but the Inspectorate is slow to react, not because it doesn't want to but because there are too few people to control a huge number of retailers," Trendafilov stressed.

He noted that the Government should involve SSM in the creation of new measures for limiting margins.

"Two-thirds of what the Government has covered is part of the minimal consumer basket that we calculate and know best what it needs," Trendafilov said.

Ligji dhe rregullativat janë të rëndësishme, por më me rëndësi është si shoqëri të përpilojmë formular të ri në vendin e punës, ku teknologjia do të shërbejë për t'i përmirësuar kushtet, por

According to Minister Durmishi, they have been monitoring the situation since the adoption of the Law on Unfair Trade Practices.

"We gave retailers until the end of this year to adjust their prices, and after the New Year, we will be handing out penalties. Until then, warnings and advice will be issued out on how to make agreements in accordance with the Law on Unfair Trade Practices. Both the Commission and the sector will examine the contracts between suppliers and buyers. I think they are going to control themselves very well. For example, Croatia formed a five-member Commission for Protection of Competition, which is functioning very well. Ever since the Law on Unfair Trade Practices was adopted, we've been in various locations, held meetings with retailers, producers, and distributors; we've listened to their struggles and what they are facing. If necessary, new members will be added in the next period to keep everything functioning properly. The law is new, so we are listening to their comments," Durmishi explained. ssh/ik/

Photo: MIA