• e premte, 21 mars 2025

Funerals held for ‘Pulse’ nightclub fire victims

Funerals held for ‘Pulse’ nightclub fire victims

Kochani, 20 March 2025 (MIA) - The town of Kochani held funerals for 31 of the 59 people killed in the fire that broke out at the “Pulse” nightclub on March 16. The rest of the victims were buried in other towns and cities across the country on Thursday. 

The funeral services for the predominantly young victims were attended by members of their families and citizens. Medical teams and water bottles were available at several locations at the funerals. 

Членовите на бендот ДНК кои починаа од пожарот во дискотеката „Пулс“ во Кочани се погребани денеска. Пејачот на бендот Андреј Ѓорѓиески, е погребан на градските гробишта Бутел, а членката на

Members of the band DNK who died in the fire that broke out during the band’s concert were also buried at services in Skopje, Strumica and Shtip. 

Citizens across the country are paying their respects to the victims. In the capital, citizens continued to light candles for the victims. 

Në Shkup edhe sot bëhet homazh për të vdekurit në zjarrin në kluvin

The fire that broke out at the “Pulse” nightclub in Kochani on March 16 killed 59 people and injured over 170. Six minors were among those killed, while most of the dead were between the ages of 24 and 26. 

Photo: MIA/epa