DS leader: No common position on any of the issues, talks should continue

Skopje, 7 November 2022 (MIA) – After Monday’s leaders’ meeting in Parliament, Democratic Union (DS) leader Pavle Trajanov said that on the whole it is good that the leaders of the political parties held talks, but the issue is that no common position was formed on any of the issues. Still, he said he believes that the talks should continue and that SDSM, DUI, VMRO-DPMNE and the other political parties should put in additional effort if we are to have unity.
He said he does not oppose the inclusion of the Bulgarians in the Macedonian Constitution, but that it should also apply for the Macedonians in Bulgaria.
“I regret the fact that the leaders of the political parties had a historic opportunity to send a clear message, clear demands to Bulgaria to recognize the rights of the Macedonians, because I am certain that all issues are imposed by Bulgaria by the fact that it denies our language and people. If they make that step, it would have historic dimensions and all open issues would be quickly solved,” said Trajanov.
He urged Bulgaria to recognize the rights of the Macedonian minority and to begin implementing the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights.
At the meeting he also spoke about the need for, as he said, a robust fight against corruption and crime which have become a “value category” in Macedonia, he called for all creative people to be included in the screening process and stressed the disappointment of the citizens with the functioning of the system and the institutions in the country.
According to Trajanov, the topic of early elections was discussed as well.
“If we are not united on all these important issues for the country’s progress, then perhaps it is logical that this topic will be imposed, and the parties that are in favor of constitutional amendments, if they receive the necessary support, will be able to do it,” said Trajanov.
He also proposed the formation of a broad coalition government, however, he said the Democratic Union is not the kind of political party that can impose that. In answer to a journalist’s question, Trajanov said that he suggested that early elections are held if a consensus on these issues cannot be reached.
However, he noted that the survival of the Government and the majority does not depend only on him or the numbers, and he added that one more party is waiting to join the government. ad/ba/