• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Anti-corruption commission recommends MIA’s status be regulated by law

Anti-corruption commission recommends MIA’s status be regulated by law
Skopje, 21 December 2021 (MIA) – The government and all responsible institutions should regulate the status of the Media Information Agency (MIA) under a separate law, recommends the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption. Explaining why legislation is needed to regulate the status, position and powers of MIA, the Commission’s member Nuri Bajrami said the government, being the news agency’s founder, is necessary to regulate the status of the administrative bodies and the status of agency’s staff in line with a law “as things stand now.” Biljana Ivanovska, president of the anti-corruption commission, approves the recommendations for a legislation to regulate MIA’s functioning given the issues the state news agency has been facing. The recommendation will be put forward to the government to be considered after it was passed at Tuesday’s session of the anti-corruption commission. At today’s session, the Commission discussed and suspended a procedure opened following an anonymous report alleging misconduct by MIA’s staff, including a former general director and the current general director. “The State Commission for Prevention of Corruption found no misconduct and concluded there are no elements to continue the probe, however there is one conclusion - the findings of our analysis coincide with the 2019 audit report, detecting the same shortcomings,” he stated.