‘Foresting Together for a Greener Tomorrow’ campaign begins
- Post By Magdalena Reed
- 12:00, 17 August, 2022

Skopje, 17 August 2022 (MIA) – Ten hectares of unforested land next to the Miladinovci – Shtip highway will be planted with 10,000 acacias and 17,000 cypress trees as part of the Dm Drogerie Markt-sponsored "Foresting Together for a Greener Tomorrow" campaign launched Tuesday by the state-owned National Forests, the Agriculture Ministry, the Ministry of Education, and the Faculty of Forestry.
“Part of the donation will go to equipment, which the company will use in the future as well. We will receive ten earth augers, drills and accumulators and batteries to charge them,” National Forests director Valentin Gruevski told a press conference Tuesday.
Gruevski said the donation, worth one million denars, was the largest donation National Forests had received so far. mr/