• Sunday, 02 February 2025

US and EU experts: Assuming power means responsibility and respecting international treaties

US and EU experts: Assuming power means responsibility and respecting international treaties

Washington, 10 May 2024 (MIA) – Election victory and the takeover of power is a huge responsibility and an obligation to fulfill the promises, to continue on the road to EU accession and to respect concluded agreements, international analysts and experts told the Voice of America commenting on Gordana Siljanovska Davkova winning the presidential elections and VMRO-DPMNE winning the parliamentary elections in North Macedonia. 

“The election victory is an honor for both the incoming president Gordana Siljanovska Davkova and for Mr (Hristijan) Mickoski and his team, who won the parliamentary elections. But, it comes with a huge responsibility, which is to fulfill the promises to focus on rule of law, fighting corruption, improving the economy and continuing the EU course,” Philip Reeker, former US ambassador to Skopje and former assistant of the US secretary of state, has said. 

He believes that the EU enlargement has no alternative and that it is the future for Macedonia. 

“I’m seeing a real momentum for enlargement, such signal is sent from Brussels and the other capitals that are important for enlargement. Now’s the time the country to move forward,” Reeker says. 

Меморандумот за разбирање што неодамна во Вашингтон го потпишаа македонскиот премиер Димитар Ковачевски и специјалниот претставник и координатор на Центарот за глобален ангажман на Стејт депа

Edward P. Joseph, a Balkans expert who teaches at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, said the new government in Skopje should demonstrate leadership after the landslide election victory. 

“We should hope that Mickoski understands he has responsibility being at the helm of the government, he should not act as opposition leader or be in political campaign. Relations with Greece are fundamental. The Prespa Agreement is valid and binding for the two sides, although it is not very popular. It helped the country, it protected its identity and I hope Mickoski understands this,” said Joseph. 

He expects challenges in the relations with Bulgaria over the constitutional changes to prove to be key for the endurance and elasticity of the new coalition government in North Macedonia.

“The government will have an Albanian coalition partner, most probably the opposition movement Vlen. They will face a challenge because Vlen has pledged to vote in favor of constitutional changes. What will happen six months after the VMRO-DPMNE-led government had taken office if the constitutional changes weren’t passed? What will happen in North Macedonia? It’s an open issue,” he stated. 

Фокусот на Администрацијата на Трамп на решавање економски прашања на Балканот и замижувањето кон политичките, придонесе за влошување на односите меѓу некои земји уште од времето на војните п

Paul McCarthy, IRI Regional Director for Europe, commented on the future relations between North Macedonia and Bulgaria on the eve of the formation of a new government in Skopje. 

“For the two countries to make progress, they should keep a cool head and a lot of diplomacy will be needed from Brussels and Washington to alleviate the process, because the ultimate goal is North Macedonia in the EU,” he said. 

Erwan Fouere, ex-EU ambassador to Skopje, doesn’t think that an opportunity opens for Moscow to exert more influence after a right-wing party has won the elections. 

“It’s clear that Russia will use every change it gets for disinformation and tactics to spread fake news across the Balkans. I don’t believe it will find fertile ground in Macedonia. The new government in Skopje will have an advantage in the fact that new right-wing parties will assume power across Europe after the European elections. Since VMRO-DPMNE is right-wing party perhaps it will find more support for its arguments against Bulgaria’s demands on the road to EU accession,” said Fouere. 

Доколку се сака решение за билатерално прашање каде би имало балансиран пристап, но и да се земат во предвид критериумите за приклучување на Европската Унија, многу е јасно дека прашањата пов

All the countries in the region have been facing foreign interferences from authoritarian countries, such as Russia and China, said IRI’s McCarthy adding that there is no such influence in Macedonia unlike in other countries in the region. 

Nadezhda Mouzykina, the Deputy Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe, noted that to respect international treaties, regardless of who is in power, is imperative.

“We don’t believe the Prespa Agreement is at risk now that North Macedonia has a new government. We expect VMRO-DPMNE and the new president to remain on the EU accession path,” said the NDI official. 

According to her, as the region is in turmoil, the international community should focus more in the Balkans.

Asked whether she is worried that North Macedonia and the region are witnessing renewed ethnic tensions amid flagging EU enlargement and rise in pro-Russian influence, Mouzykina said that ethnic tensions have always been a cause for concern not only in North Macedonia but also in the region as a whole. 

“The Kosovo-Serbia dialogue is in deadlock, there are tensions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and reforms lag in Montenegro. But it’s important that North Macedonia stays on the pro-European course, but one should always have in mind and keep an eye on Russian influence in the country,” she warned. 

According to analysts, the switch from the left to the right after the elections in North Macedonia is the result of the voters’ outrage due to the slow economic development and omnipresent corruption undermining the system, which according to them also hinders the integration into the EU. 

Photo: MIA/EPA