• Saturday, 22 February 2025

Steering board approves draft National Development Strategy 

Steering board approves draft National Development Strategy 

Skopje, 30 January 2024 (MIA) - The draft National Development Strategy (NDS), outlining the state's priorities for the next 20 years, has been completed and approved by the steering board, consisting of all Deputy Prime Ministers, the Minister of Finance, parliamentarians, members of the Academy of Sciences and Arts, representatives of embassies and international organizations, the business sector, and civil organizations.

It is a comprehensive document covering economic, social, environmental, and cultural aspects of the development of our country in the next two decades, as reported by the government.

Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Fatmir Bytyqi, said "The National Development Strategy is confirmation that only a focused approach and dedication to the state and its progress will lead us to the destination we desire, to the place where, as he mentioned, our citizens, our children deserve to be in 20 years."

Bojan Marichikj, Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, on the other hand, said that the preparation process and the draft of the National Development Strategy itself speak to the fact that it is a high-quality, comprehensive, and coherent document.

The National Development Strategy preparation process took nearly three years, actively involving around 14,000 citizens, the business community, the civil sector, state institutions, and numerous domestic and international experts. The National Development Strategy encompasses the vision for the future of the Republic of North Macedonia and serves as an example of a consensual, non-partisan, intergenerational, interethnic, gender, and socially inclusive document, actively involving political parties both in power and in opposition in its preparation.

"While there are numerous issues where political entities may have differences, we must strive for consensus on policies crucial for the development of our society and the progress of the state," said Slavica Grgovska, Deputy Prime Minister responsible for good governance policies.

Rosana Dudziak, UN Resident Coordinator in North Macedonia, expressed hope that political parties will take into consideration the National Development Strategy as the voice of the people in their party-political programs.

"The National Development Strategy (НРС) can be transformed into a government program to ensure continuity in the developmental path. As always, the United Nations is prepared to support the people and institutions of North Macedonia in this process," she noted.

Armen Grigoryan, UNDP Resident Representative in the country, stated that the process of creating this document was complex but believed that together they have managed to develop a strategy that will effectively and comprehensively address all upcoming challenges for the country. It will provide lasting and sustainable solutions for future social development, in line with the principles of Agenda 2030 and the EU accession process.

"The steering board members expressed satisfaction with the progress achieved thus far and offered support for the upcoming process. The Parliament unanimously approved the Law on National Development Strategy in the first reading. After the final adoption of the law, the members of parliament will need to vote on the document of the National Development Strategy, after which its implementation will commence," the government said in a press release.

The process of creating the National Development Strategy is being implemented by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia in partnership with the UN Resident Coordinator Office and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The development of the National Development Strategy is financially supported by the British Embassy in Skopje and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovakia.

Photo: Government