Special session “Green Agenda for the Western Balkans: implementation framework for sustainable and climate neutral region” at the PFD2022
- Post By Nevenka Nikolik
- 17:18, 16 June, 2022

Skopje, 16 June 2022 (MIA) – As part of the Prespa Forum Dialogue 2022 (PFD 2022), a special session on “Green Agenda for the Western Balkans: i9mplementation framework for sustainable and climate neutral region” took place, bringing together state officials, diplomats, notable people of the business community, civil society representatives, as well as young environmental activists from the country and the Western Balkans.
The session was made of two parts, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.
“Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Naser Nuredini hosted the first part, which was also addressed by COP26 Regional Ambassador David Moran, Montenegrin Minister of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism Ana Novaković Đurović, Albanian Deputy Minister of Torurism and Environment Almira Xhembulla, Ambassador Igli Hasani Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, Director of the Fund for Innovation and Technological Development Festim Halili, Bojana Stanojevska Pechurkovska of the Center for Climate Change,” reads the press release.
Topics of discussion included the impact of climate change which seriously affects the Western Balkans and beyond, as well as activities that need to be taken to tackle the challenges in the area of environment, climate change and energy transition, adds the press release. Minister Nuredini pointed out that the green agenda and sustainability are not just trends and slogans, but issues that require real focus and serious work.
“No one can make it in this mission alone. Intensive cooperation and joint strategic action is needed to achieve the set climate goals and ensure a sustainable and climate neutral region, as part of the wider global community. We are here to discuss these regional approaches and solutions,” said Nuredini, reads the press release.
COP26 Regional Ambassador David Moran in his address focused on the global climate agenda in times of geopolitical uncertainty.
The second session of the panel was addressed by Deputy PM for Economic Affairs Fatmir Bytyqi and Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi. In addition, Deputy Prime Minister for Regional Development and Minister of Capital Investments Ervin Ibrahimović, Besart Kadia, Deputy Minister for Finance and Economy, Frank Schauff Berlin Global Advisors representative, and Todor Todorov, Association for Environment from Bulgaria.
This part of the session included topics of the economies in the region, energy plans and goals related to climate change to be met by 2030, as well as regional cooperation in the area of gas network interconnection, green and digital transformation, and the use of funds from the EU Economic and Investment Plan.