• Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Security Council: N. Macedonia security situation stable, no indications it could deteriorate

Security Council: N. Macedonia security situation stable, no indications it could deteriorate

Skopje, 1 November 2023 (MIA) – The security situation in the country is stable and there are no indications that point to a possible deterioration, concluded the country’s Security Council at a session Wednesday focused on the security situation in the country and the Euro-Atlantic region.


According to a press release from the President’s Office, at the session, the representatives of the relevant institutions discussed current security issues related to the country and the wider region, including the Russian aggression on Ukraine, the developments in the Middle East, and the situation in the north of the Republic of Kosovo.


“As a NATO member state, the Republic of North Macedonia is in constant coordination with the Alliance and the allies over activities taken to reinforce security in the Euro-Atlantic area,” said the press release.


At the session, the Security Council identified the need for the relevant institutions to continue to monitor the situation and draft possible scenarios based on the development of events, with the goal of timely adoption of measures and activities.


Apart from the President Stevo Pendarovski, the session was also attended by the head of the National Security Agency, Zarko Miloshevski, and the head of the Intelligence Agency, Erold Musliu.


The eight-member body is composed of: Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi; Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski; the ministers of interior, defense, and foreign affairs, Oliver Spasovski, Slavjanka Petrovska, and Bujar Osmani; professor Nenad Markovikj; former defense minister and university professor Trajan Gocevski; and professor Veton Latifi.

Photo: MIA