• Sunday, 23 February 2025

Prosecution starts analyzing documents on Tetovo modular hospital

Prosecution starts analyzing documents on Tetovo modular hospital
Skopje, 17 September 2021 (MIA) – The Public Procurement Bureau and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy delivered to the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption on Tuesday and Thursday respectively documents on the Tetovo modular hospital, which investigators started analyzing on Friday, head prosecutor Vilma Ruskovska told reporters. “All I know is that prosecutors started analyzing documents Friday morning,” she said after a conference on “Progress in the Fight against Organized Crime and Corruption in the Context of the Government’s Anti-Corruption Plan”, organized by Coalition All for a Fair Trials, in co-operation with the Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI). In regard to what exactly they will be investigating, Ruskovska stressed that the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption is only authorized to check public procurement and will be looking into whether procurement procedures and the relevant law were followed. She told reporters that prosecutors received the technical specifications for the building in English and emailed documents to the Tetovo Prosecutor’s Office so that it can be analyzed by German experts. “Procurement and technical documents, on the latter of which the World Bank had made certain corrections, have been sent to Tetovo so that experts can check whether modular hospitals were procured and constructed in line with technical guidelines, approved by the World Bank,” Ruskovska said. She stressed that all cases and announcements from the Public Prosecutor’s Office are uploaded on its website and denied accusations that prosecutors are not transparent and fail to give statements, information or make announcements on the cases they are working on. “We’re always open for cooperation and provide as much information as we can,” Ruskovska added.