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Mucunski: Coalition talks between VMRO-DPMNE and ‘Worth It’ to begin Saturday  

Mucunski: Coalition talks between VMRO-DPMNE and ‘Worth It’ to begin Saturday  

Skopje, 10 May 2024 (MIA) - VMRO-DPMNE Vice President TImcho Mucunski said Friday that negotiations over potential cooperation with the “Worth It” coalition in the future government are expected to begin on Saturday. Mucunski said they don’t expect to reach an agreement immediately, but added that an agreement is certain “if there is a good level of trust, realistic expectations and a focus on policies in the interest of the citizens”.

According to the party’s Vice President, no specific issues and requests by the “Worth It” coalition have been discussed so far.

“Talks will begin tomorrow. Of course, I am sure we won’t find common ground as early as the first meeting. Both sides will present their positions, we will assess our perspectives, but if we have mutual good trust, if we are realistic about the expectations and if we are focused on the creation of policies in the interest of the citizens, in order to restore hope in this hopeless country, the hopelessness of which, I would say, was the main symbol of the past seven years of SDSM and DUI’s rule, then we will find common ground. It would be optimistic to say we will manage to do this tomorrow, but I am certain we will swiftly have a concrete plan,” Mucunski told TV Alsat.

He said VMRO-DPMNE is already taking concrete steps to outline the contours of what the future government would look like. “The expectation is,” he said, “that even without a larger political entity we will be able to reach 61 MPs, because currently more and more MPs want to be a part of the majority”.  

Earlier on Friday, VMRO-DPMNE's leader, Hristijan Mickoski, met with representatives of the parties in VMRO-DPMNE's coalition “Your Macedonia”, who, he said, entrusted him to begin negotiations over the creation of the future government.

Photo: MIA Archive