• Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Lloga: Peer review mission recommendations to be incorporated in Law on Judicial Council amendments

Lloga: Peer review mission recommendations to be incorporated in Law on Judicial Council amendments

Skopje, 19 December 2023 (MIA) - Recommendations of the European Union's peer review mission on the Judicial Council will be incorporated in the amendments of the Law on Judicial Council by the working group set up for this purpose, said Justice Minister Krenar Lloga on Tuesday.

Minister Lloga said standards required by the EU would be taken into consideration.

"Even before receiving the peer review mission report, we set up a working group on the issue and it will review the standards that are required of us in the coming days. At the end of the process, the law will be amended by incorporating these standards," Lloga told reporters.

The report of the EU peer review mission on the functioning of the Judicial Council contains 40 recommendations grouped in six segments - structure and competence, members' terms, process for selection and election of judges, disciplinary proceedings, transparency and communication with public, resources and financing.

The EU peer review mission, comprised of three experts from Croatia, Belgium and Italy, stayed in the country in the course of September, conducting an analysis of the legal framework and meeting with all relevant institutions and experts from the non-governmental sector.

Photo: MIA