• Monday, 24 June 2024

Kovachevski - Kallas: Estonia voices strong support for speeding up North Macedonia's European path

Kovachevski - Kallas: Estonia voices strong support for speeding up North Macedonia's European path

Skopje, 5 September 2023 (MIA) - Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski met with Estonian counterpart Kaja Kallas in Tallinn on Tuesday. Minister of Information Society and Administration Azir Aliu also attended the meeting. 


The meeting is part of PM Kovachevski's agenda within his participation at the Tallinn Digital Summit 2023, which was also among the topics discussed at the bilateral meeting, the Government said in a press release. 

Talks focused on close and friendly relations between North Macedonia and Estonia, also deepened through constant political dialogue as NATO allied countries, reads the press release.


PM Kovachevski extended gratitude for Estonia's support to North Macedonia's Euro-integration path, as well as for the direct support in the area of cybersecurity and digitalization. 


"Kovachevski briefed Kallas on the country's Euro-integration status and upcoming steps that need to be taken on that path. The two agreed on the importance of speeding up the EU accession process, both for North Macedonia and for other countries in the region, in light of the new geopolitical reality caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. As Russia's immediate member, today more than ever, Estonia highlights and understands the importance and strength of the transatlantic relationship and European solidarity, and wishes to see North Macedonia at the European table as soon as possible together with Estonia and other EU member states. In that direction, Kallas stressed that Estonia will continue its vocal and strong support in speeding up the Macedonian path to the EU and actively work with other EU member states supporting the enlargement," the press release adds.   

PM Kallas also welcomed North Macedonia's responsible position in terms of Ukraine and thanked for the support that the country has provided so far. 


Joining in the EU decisions and the full coordination in terms of sanctions and restrictive measures speak for the country's orientation and the direction that Estonia strongly supports, said the Government.

Talks also tackled North Macedonia's OSCE Chairpersonship. Kovachevski thanked for Estonia's support to the priorities and coordination efforts as part of the OSCE Chairpersonship. 


Photo: Government of the Republic of North Macedonia