Judges Ala and Ristova elected new members of Judicial Council
- Judges Ariton Ala from the Appellate Court in Skopje and Danka Ristova from the Appellate Court in Shtip are the new Judicial Council members, said Subhi Jakupi, head of the Commission for Judicial Council Elections, while announcing the preliminary results of the voting that took place Wednesday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm in court polling places across the country.

Skopje, 11 December 2024 (MIA) – Judges Ariton Ala from the Appellate Court in Skopje and Danka Ristova from the Appellate Court in Shtip are the new Judicial Council members, said Subhi Jakupi, head of the Commission for Judicial Council Elections, while announcing the preliminary results of the voting that took place Wednesday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm in court polling places across the country.
The Commission conducted elections today to select a member of the Judicial Council from the ranks of judges within the Shtip appellate jurisdiction and one member of the Council from the ranks of judges belonging to communities constituting more than 20% of the country's population.
According to Jakupi, judge Ariton Ala was the sole candidate on the ballot for the election of a Judicial Council member from a special list of candidates among judges. Across the Republic of North Macedonia, a total of 354 judges were registered to vote, of whom 295 exercised their right to vote. The number of invalid ballots was 42, while 59 ballots remained unused.
For the election of a Council member from the Shtip appellate region, Jakupi stated there were five candidates, while 40 judges were registered as voters in the Shtip appellate region's electoral roll. The total number of judges who exercised their right to vote was 39, Jakupi added, with only one ballot left unused.
As he explained, each candidate has the right to file a complaint within five hours of the announcement of the results. If no complaints are submitted, the final results are declared after 12 hours.
Photo: MIA