• Thursday, 03 October 2024

Gov’t spokesperson urges MPs to support changes making Sunday rest day

Gov’t spokesperson urges MPs to support changes making Sunday rest day
Skopje, 15 September 2021 (MIA) – The government expects draft-amendments to the Law on Labor Relations making Sunday a non-working day to go through all parliamentary procedures and be adopted by MPs soon, government spokesperson Muamet Hoxha told reporters at a regular press briefing on Wednesday. He called on all MPs to support legislative changes. “Draft-amendments to the Law on Labor Relations making Sunday a non-working day are yet to be put on the agenda of Parliament’s Labor and Social Policy Committee. The government expects them to be adopted by the committee and in line with parliamentary procedures to be brought to MPs at a plenary session. Moreover, the government urges all MPs to support legislative changes, as they’re in the best interest of citizens,” Hoxha said.