• Thursday, 03 October 2024

Gov't praises first 100 days in office, opposition voices criticism

Gov't praises first 100 days in office, opposition voices criticism

Skopje, 2 October 2024 (MIA) - The first 100 days of the new government have been assessed as successful by the ruling party, while the opposition has voiced a number of criticisms. Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski is pleased with the progress, despite what he describes as the unfavorable position inherited from the previous government. Meanwhile, SDSM leader Venko Filipche claims that not a single concrete project or reform benefiting the citizens has been seen in the first months of the new government.

The first 100 days of the rule of the new Government were not easy, but they were a key period during which many things became clear – where we are, where we need to go, and what we need to do to get there. But, most importantly, we have shown that we are determined and committed to tackle the challenges regardless of the obstructions we faced, and the problems and traps laid ahead of us, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said at a press conference Tuesday marking 100 days of the new Government’s rule.

Има напредок во реализацијата на автопатот од Кичево до Охрид, секојдневно се работи и очекувам првата половина од автопатот од селото Арбиново до Охрид, со исклучок на мал дел кај село Ботун

“Our primary task and focus was to stabilize the financial flows, to patch up the holes in the budget, and to deal with the deficits and the chaos left over from the previous Government. We are working on repaying debts, ending the indebtedness of the institutions and public enterprises, and the implementation of specific measures in tax and social policy. We prepared and staffed institutions, reached agreements on investments which are significant for our economy and will create many new jobs, and we worked on and prepared hundreds of new projects,” Mickoski said.

“There are many more projects, measures and reforms to come, and we will work for them with all our energy and heart. New investments, reductions of prices, investments, as well as measures for young people will follow, and I can say that taxes will be reduced. In the next four weeks, expect a decision for an additional reduction of taxes that will make us the country with the lowest taxes in Europe,” Mickoski said.

Speaking at Tuesday's press conference on the Government's 100 days in office, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski also commented on the decoupling of Albania from the country on the EU accession path, noting that the two important positions on this issue are that the Government will never back out on full-fledged EU membership, but will neither do anything that is against the national interests and strategic commitments of the citizens.

"I assure the Macedonian public of two things. First, trust that this Government will not do anything contrary to the interests of the citizens, to the national interests and strategic directions of the citizens. It will never make a single concession that will mean further humiliation and shame for Macedonian citizens, regardless of whether they are Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Serbs, Vlachs, Roma, Bosniaks, etc. You are the ones to whom we owe everything that we present today. Your interest is our command, and we will function as your servants. Second, my second message is that the Government will never back out on our second strategic goal, which is full-fledged EU membership and if necessary we will talk to anyone and as much as necessary to reach an agreement and a compromise that is a worthy one, and will not hurt the feelings of the Macedonian people again," said Mickoski.

The government’s September 30 deadline ended, unfortunately, we didn’t receive any concrete proposal on how our judicial system should be reformed. That’s why today we’re kickstarting reforms in the Macedonian judicial system because Macedonia no longer has time to waste, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said Tuesday at a news conference marking his government’s first 100 days in office.

Mickoski asked the opposition to be constructive. He said it should rival the parties in power by offering policies aimed at raising the national living standard.

We received a Government from which so far we’ve only heard excuses and accusations of their predecessors to cover up their own incompetence. A Government that is carrying out a brutal partization with incompetent staff and daily ministerial scandals. There is no responsibility from the politicians and officials, while the truth has been replaced with constant propaganda, said SDSM leader Venko Filipche at a press conference Tuesday on occasion of the Government's first 100 days in office.

Morëm një Qeveri nga e cila dëgjojmë vetëm arsyetime dhe akuza të paraardhësve për paaftësinë e tyre. Një qeveri që kryen partizim brutal me kuadër të paaftë dhe skandale të përditshme të min

Filipche recalled that Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski promised a professional public administration, merit system, higher wages, fight against crime and corruption, and a shrewd foreign policy.

“So far, they haven’t fulfilled any of these promises, and the failure to fulfill big promises leads to big disappointments as well.

“In 100 days, VMRO-DPMNE has managed to bury the country’s European future and placed the country at the bottom of the Balkans. It hasn’t offered a clear path forward, nor has it offered an alternative. Mickoski decided to unilaterally end negotiations with the Union, as if the country belongs to him. He neither has the mandate nor the right to do that,” Filipche said.

Levica, in a press release, reacted by saying that during the first 100 days of the new government, the old policies have continued, and VMRO-DPMNE is carrying on the practices of SDSM.

“The erasure of the name Macedonia and any written records of it, acceptance of the Prespa Agreement, national humiliations and diplomatic scandals, abuse of official power, an increase in the number of ministries, the appointment of new directors, and announcement of enormous debts are among the “successes” attributed to the new government in its first 100 days in office,” Levica said in press release.

The New Social Democratic Party (NSDP) stated in the press release that over the past 100 days, not a single significant reform or project has been launched that they can proudly present to the citizens to justify the significant support they received during the elections.

Photo: MIA archive