Filipche: Decoupling of North Macedonia and Albania a heavy defeat for government's policies
- The decoupling of North Macedonia and Albania is a heavy defeat for the Government’s policies on the country's European integration, said SDSM leader Venko Filipche at a press conference on Thursday, after EU member- states ambassadors’ decision for Albania to continue negotiations and decouple from North Macedonia on the EU path.

Skopje, 26 September 2024 (MIA) - The decoupling of North Macedonia and Albania is a heavy defeat for the Government’s policies on the country's European integration, said SDSM leader Venko Filipche at a press conference on Thursday, after EU member-states ambassadors’ decision for Albania to continue negotiations and decouple from North Macedonia on the EU path.
"This decision clearly illustrates that Albania will get the green light to continue the second phase of negotiations with EU and open the first cluster. The decoupling is catastrophic for citizens' future. Unfortunately, this missed opportunity will impact many families and a whole new generation," Filipche stressed, adding "this kills all hope that our country can progress and develop."
According to him, VMRO-DPMNE and Hristijan Mickoski served citizens a big electoral fraud in an attempt to hide their true intentions through lies and manipulation. Their real intention, Filipche added, is that they have no plans nor want the country to progress and develop in and towards EU.
"VMRO-DPMNE came to power with a lie that they will do everything to improve Macedonia's position regarding the start of the negotiations. Despite their promises, they are not making any attempts. We will support any attempts to improve our position in the negotiations process. But, according to our information from the meeting in Brussels with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, the PM was told that the negotiating framework cannot be changed, and that delayed implementation of constitutional amendments is not possible," Filipche stressed.
He demands answers from the Government about the plans and deadlines for integration.
"What are the deadlines for the plan and are there any? For how long will you refuse to take responsibility and admit what is going to happen to this country? Macedonia is now left isolated, lacking a clear plan and strategy on how to move forward. In 100 days, the Government buried the last hope for the possibility of a better life. VMRO-DPMNE's policies that only serve to spread populism and false patriotism lead to international isolation, economic stagnation and internal conflicts," Filipche stated.
The SDSM leader said that for the first time in 30 years since the country started its EU path, the Government blocked itself.
"The fear of future blockades is an obstruction in itself. Mickoski is obstructing citizens and the country's progress, while spreading fears of possible future blockades. This absurdity has never been seen in political history and is a repeat of 2008 when VMRO-DPMNE was also in power. We went from being leaders of the European integration process to last place. VMRO-DPMNE and Mickoski are a tsunami for Macedonia. A Government without a sense of responsibility, leadership, and concern for its citizens," emphasized Filipche.
The biggest tragedy, according to him, is that VMRO-DPMNE wants to re-bilaterize the European negotiations and the dispute with Bulgaria.
"One thing is clear - the dispute with Bulgaria was not bilateral. We are no longer negotiating with Bulgaria but the EU. Their goal is to reopen the bilateral problem. How does Mickoski plan on using the rhetoric of bickering and conflict to secure better terms with Bulgaria in bilateral communication? Does he realize this will only lead to a worse deal? He is aware and that's obviously the goal," Filipche explained.
He expressed confidence that there is nothing to lose by implementing the constitutional amendments.
“On the contrary, we will only benefit. That is the only way to protect ourselves from additional demands and blackmail. It is a confirmation that any issues we might face in the future will be solved within EU, before all member-states, not just Bulgaria. It is the only way to not bilaterize the issue. Once talks start, we will never negotiate with Bulgaria again but with the EU, which guarantees our path to membership," stressed Filipche. ssh/ik/
Photo: SDSM