• Sunday, 21 July 2024

Dashtevski: Peaceful voting, diaspora turnout around 50% by 5 p.m.

Dashtevski: Peaceful voting, diaspora turnout around 50% by 5 p.m.

Skopje, 23 April 2024 (MIA) - President of the State Election Commission (SEC), Aleksandar Dashtevski said Tuesday evening that today's voting of the infirm, inmates, persons in retirement homes and Macedonian nationals abroad for the presidential elections, passed off peacefully.

"Today's voting passed off peacefully. All polling stations were opened. There were some challenges in certain mountainous areas due to unexpected harsh weather conditions, including cold, rain, and even snow. Nevertheless, all polling stations opened, and all eligible voters in these areas cast their votes," Dashtevski told Sitel TV.

Dashtevski said that by 5 p.m., a total of 6,953 infirm people had voted. He underscored that 2,147 individuals from correctional facilities and 534 persons in retirement homes had participated in the voting process. He noted that two displaced persons had also exercised their right to vote.

Dashtevski informed that by 5 p.m., the voter turnout of our citizens in the diaspora is over 50 percent.

"More than 50 percent, let's say approximately, have turned out to vote. By 7 p.m., voting has concluded everywhere, as it involves a small number of voters at those locations. In the diaspora, there were even up to 12 polling stations, such as Dubai, Beijing, etc., where 12 voters cast their votes. In Vienna, 123 people voted, in Brussels 93, Sofia 22, Zagreb 87, Berlin 260. In Germany, almost all have turned out, as voting is conducted in Berlin, Bonn, Munich, which means three locations where voters can exercise their right. Approximately 570-580 voters registered, with the majority actively participating in the voting process,” Dashtevski said.

SEC President stressed that following the country's elections, the issue of changing the voting system for the diaspora needs to be addressed.

"After the elections, there should be a reconsideration of the diaspora voting system, as they should also have representation. However, we see that in this manner, for several cycles now, not only are they unable to participate, but the voting process itself is not realized. We're talking about the presidential elections where about 2,400 people registered, not to mention the parliamentary elections where there might not even be voting because an insufficient number of voters registered,” Dashtevski noted.

He expects tomorrow Election Day to be successful. Regarding the SEC, he emphasized that everything is organized at the highest level.

Dashtevski urged participants in the electoral process to adhere to the rules of the Code they signed and ensure that the elections are conducted in a regular, free, fair, and democratic manner, without any hate speech or discrimination of any kind, including against women. He called on all citizens to come out tomorrow and exercise their right to vote in a dignified manner, as guaranteed by the Constitution.

Photo: screenshot of video