• Monday, 10 March 2025

Trenchevska: New package of anti-crisis measures to include lowest-income pensioners

Trenchevska: New package of anti-crisis measures to include lowest-income pensioners

Skopje, 17 November 2023 (MIA) - Next week or by the end of November at the latest, the government will adopt a new package of anti-crisis measures intended for several target groups, including lowest-income pensioners. We will see if we need any legislative changes so that we can begin the financial support for those included in this new package as soon as possible, Minister of Labor and Social Policy Jovanka Trenchevska said on Friday.


In relation to pensioners' demands for a linear increase of pensions by Mden 5,000 and raising the minimum pension to Mden 18,000 or 20,000, she said that she had already stated her position, i.e. those are unrealistic demands that will threaten the stability of the pension system.


"I have stated my position regarding a Mden 5,000 linear increase of pensions and raising the minimum pension to Mden 18,000 or 20,000. Pensioners have various demands, but these demands come from those with higher pensions, we see them at the protests. All those involved in the Pensioners’ Initiative Board are pensioners who receive either Mden 50,000 or 30,000, and a few who receive low pensions," Trenchevska said in response to a reporter's question before the start of a debate on students' standard of living that was held at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje.


She noted that a linear increase of Mden 5,000 for all 336,000 pensioners would mean EUR 324 million being spent annually just for this demand. 



"You can imagine the financial implication of a Mden 20,000 or 18,000 minimum pension. These demands are not realistic when looking at the situation of the pension system. It is stable, but any intervention will cause future generations of pensioners not to be able to receive pensions, and we will call into question the payment of pensions for these 336,000 pensioners. We have to maintain the stability of the pension system. This government ensures timely payment of pensions, on the first day of every month. Such policies ensure stability," Trenchevska said. 


According to her, the upcoming package of anti-crisis measures will also include pensioners who have been receiving Mden 9,000 minimum pension, which now amounts to Mden 13,000.


"I am not saying that Mden 13,000 is enough for a pensioner to get through the month, but that is why there are other measures, like the financial support created by the government so that we can all, on a solidarity basis, help everyone in a difficult situation, i.e. those who do not earn enough income to get through the month," Trenchevska added. ssh/nn/


Photo: MIA