• Sunday, 06 October 2024

State Market Inspectorate to control prices of pasta and dairy products

State Market Inspectorate to control prices of pasta and dairy products

Skopje, 15 March 2023 (MIA) - Inspectors will be on the ground and carry out checks whether traders have complied with the Government's decisions to reduce the prices of pasta and dairy products, which takes effect as of Thursday, said the State Market Inspectorate. 


According to the State Market Inspectorate, inspectors will act within the scope of their competences arising from the decisions, and accordingly in line with the Law on Trade. 


Само што добивме извештај од Државниот пазарен инспекторат (ДПИ), 7 правни субјекти (само во Скопје) денеска се казнети со по 7000 евра за непочитување во целост на одлуките донесени од Влада

Measures to be taken if any of the economic operators acts contrary to the decisions are provided within the Law on Trade. In the event of a violation of the decisions, notes the State Market Inspectorate, penalties arising from the Law will follow. Fines are high and amount from EUR 800 to EUR 10,000, depending on the size and type of the economic operator.


"We'd like to note that the State Market Inspectorate will act exclusively in terms of price control as set forth by the decisions, but it does not have the authority to act, nor to influence the formation of prices in wholesale and retail trade. We urge for compliance with the decisions, and we also call on the citizens, if they notice any irregularities, to immediately report them to the State Market Inspectorate. We work in the interest of the citizens and this is precisely why these decisions were made, to help in times of economic crisis that still exists and to prevent personal profiteering and abuse," said the State Market Inspectorate. 


Photo: MIA archive