Siljanovska Davkova: Time for bold EU step, following example of 2004, to mark reunification of region in EU
- President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova in her annual address in Parliament on Wednesday said it was time for a bold, fundamental EU step, following the example of the one from 2004, which will mark the reunification, i.e. reintegration of the region into the EU.

Skopje, 25 December 2024 (MIA) – President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova in her annual address in Parliament on Wednesday said it was time for a bold, fundamental EU step, following the example of the one from 2004, which will mark the reunification, i.e. reintegration of the region into the EU.
"The Balkans are a natural part of Europe: geographically, historically and culturally. The European idea is a unique political philosophy supported by all political actors, parties, but also citizens in the region. EU membership will be a powerful motive for democratic changes in the region, which will permanently disable the threat and destabilization by frustrated nationalists and guarantee lasting peace," Siljanovska Davkova pointed out.
She noted that the full integration of the Balkans into the EU will put an end to the endless redrawing of borders, and, with it, the end of Balkanization as a phenomenon, erasing the borders between the Balkan states.
The President said the Western Balkans are no problem for the absorption capacity of the Union.
"In numerous meetings with EU representatives, I point out some paradoxes: first, the European Community has been calling for the overthrow of authoritarian systems for decades, then, there is a moral obligation for solidarity with them/us after the fall of communism; second, the profit logic of Western economies requires a larger market and labor force; third, the stability of the European continent also depends on the East, including the Western Balkans, as a geopolitical entity; fourth, located between Europe and the Middle East as a conglomerate of cultures and religions, the Balkans has always been perceived as a potential conflict zone; fifth, the Balkans have always perceived themselves as Europeans, so European integration is incomplete without the European Southeast part," said Siljanovska Davkova.
The President added that for several months, at every multilateral or bilateral meeting, she has been stressing the necessity of expanding the EU with the countries of the so-called Western Balkans.
"I point to the logic of the EU doctrine of “unity in diversity”, as its modus vivendi, which cannot apply only to its members, but also to the candidates, and even to the candidates for candidates. Otherwise, there are neither negotiations nor talks. There is a eurocracy expressed in the formula: “listen, be silent and execute” because I have an unlimited right of veto!" the President noted.
She stressed that for her, the EU is still the most desirable democratic political system and home.
"Not by chance. Today, the citizens of the EU member states have a better opinion of its democratic capacity than that of their national authorities, with the exception of Luxembourg. Some Western political scientists metaphorically write that the Western Balkans are the EU’s Achilles heel. If so, neither Paris nor Berlin should aim at it, and neither should Brussels," said Siljanovska Davkova.
Honestly, the President continued, after a decade of absence of a strategy for the region, in the Growth Plan and in the reform agendas, and especially in our Reform Agenda, I recognize a strategic approach, but also specific reforms with deadlines and finances, which guarantees and stimulates the process on both sides.
"That is why we must not allow either them or us, instead of realizing the strategic goals and challenges and reforms, to direct our energy and time towards history, in accordance with the Council Conclusions and the protocols, i.e. the minutes. If we are talking about “Pacta sun servanda”, let me point out that in the Treaty on Good Neighborliness and Friendship there is not a single word about constitutional amendments!", the President pointed out in her annual address in Parliament.
Photo: MIA