• Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Seventeen irregularities linked to EU funds identified since 2015, Finance Ministry tells MIA

Seventeen irregularities linked to EU funds identified since 2015, Finance Ministry tells MIA

Skopje, 27 July 2023 (MIA) - The Anti-Fraud Coordination Unit (AFCOS) does not have data from the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) due to the fact that the latter is not obliged to inform AFCOS on ongoing or completed investigations, or their outcomes, in line with the IPA Framework Agreement and OLAF regulations, the Ministry of Finance told MIA over reports for investigations regarding abuse of EU funds in North Macedonia.

The Ministry says the country is committed to observing regulations and rules related to EU assistance and has had indirect and decentralized management of EU pre-accession funds since 2009.

И покрај препораката за кандидатски статус во ЕУ Украина и Молдавија нема да влезат во претпристапните фондови, јави дописничката на МИА од Брисел

"In this regard, North Macedonia is also working on detecting possible irregularities that are processed further by competent authorities. In case of detecting certain irregularities by the IPA structures or a signal over potential irregularity from an outside source or European Commission services, IPA structures within the Ministry of Finance carry out preliminary analysis of the case and then forward it to the competent authorities for further actions, namely the Financial Police, AFCOS, the Public Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption, and the Public Attorney Office," says the Ministry.

It adds that irregularities were identified in 17 cases in the period 2015-2022, with specific procedures undertaken.

"In line with international agreements and the established system for management of irregularities, IPA structures within the Ministry of Finance provide quarterly reports to OLAF on the status of each case, through the electronic system for reporting of irregularities," notes the Ministry.

Европската канцеларија Европска канцеларија за борба против измами (ОЛАФ) покрена истрага против Европската агенција за погранична и крајбрежна стража (ФРОНТЕКС) поради обвинувањата за вознем

It also says that every citizen can report a suspicion over irregularities at https://cfcd.finance.gov.mk/ and OLAF-FMB-SPE@ec.europa.eu.

Last week, Euronews Albania reported that over the past five years, OLAF opened 36 investigations for abuse or irregularities related to European funds in the countries of the Western Balkans, 18 of which relating to North Macedonia. In 2022, four investigations opened for the country, with three closed through issuance of recommendations.

Photo: MIA archive