• Thursday, 19 December 2024

Over 1,100 medical staff to be granted permanent employment

Over 1,100 medical staff to be granted permanent employment

Skopje, 28 December 2023 (MIA) - Temporary employment contracts of 1,117 individuals engaged as medical and support staff, janitors, and drivers will be transformed into full-time employment, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski alongside Health Minister Fatmir Mexhiti and Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi announced at a joint press conference on Thursday.

"Investing in healthcare workers is one of the most crucial aspects for the future of public health. Decisive in shaping healthcare policies is addressing the employment status of doctors, nurses, technicians, and both medical and non-medical staff with permanent employment," Minister Mexhiti said.

He said that the funds for the approved permanent employment positions are secured within the framework of public health institutions and the Health Insurance Fund.

“Amidst the ongoing crisis, substantial investments have been made in the healthcare sector. These investments encompass not only equipment and infrastructure but also human resources, including salary increases and additional benefits for healthcare professionals. Through these significant investments in the public health sector, we are working to improve the quality of service, facilitate access to healthcare, and aim to offer European-standard healthcare to our patients,” he noted.

He announced that in the upcoming period, the investment in primary healthcare will continue, including the construction of new and modern healthcare facilities. Additionally, there will be investments in the training and development of young medical professionals in the country.

According to the Prime Minister Kovachevski, satisfied healthcare workers mean satisfied patients.

“I would like to highlight that the procedures for hiring in public health institutions have been streamlined to facilitate easier and faster filling of positions vacated due to retirements or healthcare workers leaving their positions. We are aware of the risk of brain drain in healthcare, and that's why today, as well, we are doing everything in our power to retain our professionals here,” Kovachevski noted.

Photo: MIA archive