Osmani: Common language found with the Netherlands on necessity of coordination on energy crisis challenges

Skopje, 7 September 2022 (MIA) – Good coordination is needed between the Western Balkans and the European Union ahead of the challenges of the energy crisis, having the experience of the pandemic, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani told Wednesday’s joint press conference with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Wopke Hoekstra.
Asked whether the Netherlands, as part of what the European Union will foresee in the context of the energy crisis, will support or whether it will propose that the Western Balkans, and North Macedonia, be included, and whether such a thing has been requested from the EU so far , Osmani said that’s precisely what the two had discussed about.
“We found a common language regarding the necessity, i.e. the need for close coordination. I’d like to mention that the European Union has already made a decision on joint procurement of gas and energy in which the Commission will serve as a platform for any of the countries of the Western Balkans, including those that are not member states, to be able to use the European Commission for procurement of gas and energy. The problem is that the European Union also faces a lack of energy, or high energy prices,” he said.
He noted that all aspects have been considered at Tuesday’s session of the Security Council.
“The visit to Sofia was also precisely on the topic of providing electricity. Let me inform you that for the first time, the European Union will invite the ministers of economy and energy of the Western Balkans to its formal meeting in order to include their views and be familiar with the decisions that will be adopted, and according to announcements, so-called "historic" decisions of the European Union are expected regarding certain measures, in order to reduce the negative impact of the energy crisis, i.e. high prices, lack of gas, etc.,” said Osmani.
Minister Wopke Hoekstra told reporters that support to Ukraine must continue.
“This requires persistence. We cannot give up. It is not only about the future of Ukraine, it is about the future of our continent. But we can also see that citizens and businesses in all countries of the European Union and in the entire European continent including this region are facing difficulties due to the energy crisis and inflation. This is the time to show unity. As the minister said, a meeting of the energy ministers will be held. This meeting will be attended not only by the EU ministers but also by ministers from the Western Balkan countries, and that's the it should be,” Hoekstra pointed out.
According to him, in the long term, it is essential to ensure that the EU members, NATO members and the countries that want to join the European Union don’t face this situation again.