• Saturday, 05 October 2024

North Macedonia still waiting for first IGC with EU despite investing everything, Xhaferi tells SEECP PA

North Macedonia still waiting for first IGC with EU despite investing everything, Xhaferi tells SEECP PA
Athens, 2 June 2022 (MIA) – Despite investing everything in goodneighborly relations and observance of the fundamental principles of international law and order, North Macedonia is still waiting for the first Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) with the EU, said Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi in his address at the 9th plenary session of the South East European Cooperation Process Parliamentary Assembly (SEECP PA) in Athens on Thursday, MIA reports from the Greek capital. Speaker Xhaferi referred to the importance of regional cooperation and parliamentary diplomacy, and the role of parliaments through bilateral, regional and inter-parliamentary cooperation in achieving stability and progress in Southeast Europe. “Regretfully, despite investing everything in goodneighborly relations and observance of the fundamental principles of international law and order – as defined in the UN Charter – North Macedonia is still waiting for the first IGC with the European Union. We expect this Parliamentary Assembly to continue to provide support in compliance with the Union law and values, because we can manage challenges only if we are united, showing solidarity and stand on equal footing,” said Xhaferi. He added that global, regional and national trends affect North Macedonia’s development as well, noting that the energy and food crisis would continue. “We must be prepared to act together and in a coordinated way, so that we overcome these challenges with fewer damages. Therefore, the synergy we see at this forum and all other international fora is of essential importance for the development and well-being of the countries and their people,” said Xhaferi. The Speaker said North Macedonia is one of the 193 countries that have officially adopted the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to uproot poverty, end inequality, build peace and manage climate change up to 2030, while ensuring that no one is left behind. On the SEECP PA, he said it continues to be the authentic voice of the region, a forum that incorporates political and diplomatic dialogue among member-states. “This is the place where we are making efforts to build goodneighborly relations and cooperate, thus strengthening regional stability and security, which represent the fundamental pillars of the SEECP Charter on Goodneighbourly Relations, Stability, Security and Cooperation in SEE, adopted in Bucharest back in 2000. They are now endangered more than ever before and that is why this gathering is more than welcome,” said Xhaferi. Participants are expected to adopt a final declaration at the end of the 9th plenary session of the SEECP PA. SEECP was initiated in 1996 at the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of SEECP held in Sofia/Bulgaria. This regional cooperation forum aims at strengthening the goodneighbourly relations among all participants from South East Europe (SEE), and transforming this region into an area of peace, security, stability and cooperation, with the main goal of full integration of SEE into European and Euro-Atlantic structures. Its members are Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, Croatia and Montenegro. Montenegro will take over the SEECP annual chairmanship-in-office from Greece in July.