• Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Mobile medical teams to patrol Skopje offering support amid heatwave

Mobile medical teams to patrol Skopje offering support amid heatwave
Skopje, 30 June 2022 (MIA) – Mobile teams made up of a doctor or a paramedic will patrol through the capital Skopje, offering water and leaflets with guidance on protection from the hot weather, they will measure the blood pressure of citizens who feel unwell, and for more difficult cases they will secure transportation to the nearest medical facility or the person’s home, said the Skopje Red Cross in a press release on their field activities dealing with eventual heatwaves. Some 20 volunteers will be involved from the Disaster Response Team, five vehicles will patrol the city. It is planned for the mobile teams to patrol Thursday and Friday from 11am until 4pm, through the downtown area and at larger bus stops. The activities will continue in accordance with the high temperature forecasts. The Mountain Rescue Team at the Skopje Red Cross will be involved in activities preventing and minimizing the damages caused by the heatwave and wildfires, this year as well. “Using informative material, the volunteers from the team will increase the awareness of the citizens and their habits while moving through mountain areas, they will be active in offering advice on protection during the heatwave and give first aid, if necessary,” the press release said. ad/ba/