• Sunday, 06 October 2024

Mitreski: Law on Political Parties and Law on Associations will put an end to provocations seeking to divide

Mitreski: Law on Political Parties and Law on Associations will put an end to provocations seeking to divide
Skopje, 18 October 2022 (MIA) – SDSM’s parliamentary group submitted a proposal for amendments of the Law on Political Parties. At a time when we are witnessing provocations inciting unpleasant feelings among the public, apart from the new Law on Associations, the Law on Political Parties has to be amended as well. As MPs elected by the citizens, we respect the right of association and political action, but we must stand in defense of the values which our country was founded upon, and those are the antifascist values, said SDSM party whip, Jovan Mitreski, at a press conference on Tuesday. “In line with the amendments which we have submitted, the political parties, in their manifestos, names, statutes and symbols, will not be allowed to use or focus on inciting national, racial or religious hatred, ethnic intolerance, genocide, spreading, supporting and promoting fascism, Nazism or the Third Reich, or referencing figures and events related to fascism, Nazism or the Third Reich,” said Mitreski. Mitreski said that this law, as well as the Law on Associations and Foundations will put an end to the intentional and dangerous provocations by persons or groups who aim to cause divisions, and urged all MPs and parliamentary groups to support the legislation. “Guided by the fact that the political parties are also associations, which are at a higher level in terms of their purpose, since they seek out the trust of the citizens, this is a chance for every party to support this legislation – so that together we can oppose those who glorify fascism and Nazism,” said Mitreski. He also stated that SDSM are going to support the legislation on associations submitted by VMRO-DPMNE, as it currently is, without any alterations. Regarding the constitutional judges, in response to a reporter's question on whether the way of electing constitutional judges and placing it as an item on the agenda will represent a precedent, since the relevant committee's discussion is not over, because there should be room for submitting amendments, Mitreski said that a distinction should be made between electing a constitutional judge or a member of any other body, and submitting amendments. “We should distinguish between electing a constitutional judge or a member of any other body through legislation, and submitting amendments, when we are talking about electing a member, there are no amendments, the Committee on Election and Appointment Issues holds a discussion, and votes separately. The Chair of the Committee informed the Parliament and the Speaker, that the discussion concerning two candidates has concluded and with a majority vote it was decided to continue the procedure,” said Mitreski. He said that if the goal of the opposition is to block the election of constitutional judges and bring the country to a constitutional crisis, since the term of the fifth constitutional judge ends in November, SDSM will not allow it. “For each of the 13 candidates the vote is held separately, the discussions are held separately. It does not mean they are elected, because discussions and votes for each of the candidates will also have to be held in the plenary hall,” said Mitreski. ad/nn/