• Sunday, 29 September 2024

Marichikj: Reforms and difficult decisions to be delivered, EU to deliver membership in foreseeable future

Marichikj: Reforms and difficult decisions to be delivered, EU to deliver membership in foreseeable future

Skopje, 5 June 2023 (MIA) - Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj said Monday that North Macedonia would deliver results and urged the EU to deliver membership in the foreseeable future.

"The region is already making positive shifts and now is the time for the EU integration to go into full swing. The time has come for a serious enlargement plan by the EU. A concrete plan by which the Union will demonstrate its focus on the region's Euro-integration not only in words but also in deeds. We will deliver reforms and difficult decisions but the EU should deliver membership in the foreseeable future," Deputy PM Marichikj says in a video-address during the ministerial meeting of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Bečići, Montenegro.

Marichikj said today's SEECP meeting sent a clear message that the Western Balkans has waited for too long for its European perspective, including a clear timeline for the next EU enlargement.

North Macedonia is set to assume the SEECP Chairmanship on July 1, representing an added value to the country's commitment in building a society based on democratic values and economic prosperity, a clear vision over the region's future as a fully integrated area in the EU.

"During the Chairmanship, North Macedonia will remain fully committed to the enhancement of our regional economic cooperation and infrastructure networking, rule of law, human rights and functioning of democratic institutions. We need political will and responsibility from all political stakeholders to resume the EU accession negotiations, so that we deliver better standard of life for Macedonian citizens and economic growth for the country. EU membership is, without a doubt, an investment in European peace and security. Let's make it attainable and real together," says Marichikj.

Photo: Secretariat for European Affairs