• Tuesday, 04 March 2025

Kovachevski: No turns into Yes, certain that VMRO-DPMNE will join just cause for European future

Kovachevski: No turns into Yes, certain that VMRO-DPMNE will join just cause for European future

Kavadarci, 11 June 2023 (MIA) - We now have a new momentum on the political scene in the country and new rhetoric that differs from what we heard before. No has turned into Yes, the acceptance of the constitutional changes by VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski and the change of his stance benefits the country and I welcome this, said Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski on Sunday.

"SDSM is at the head of the concept for European Macedonia and is working on the realization of another strategic national objective that has been set since our independence - EU membership by 2030. We have a historic opportunity and strong support from our strategic partners the EU and US, and now is the time for the final step before resuming our European path. We extended our hand to the opposition for dialogue and a chance to join us. We now have a new momentum on the political scene in the country and new rhetoric that differs from what we heard over the past year," Kovachevski told a party debate in Kavadarci.

He said Mickoski accepted the constitutional revision at their meeting earlier in the week.

"He clearly said it at the press conference after the meeting and in a statement on the next day. The acceptance of the constitutional revision came as a shock to VMRO-DPMNE, maybe because it happened suddenly. I understand this," said Kovachevski.

Over the past year, he added, we have seen protests in front of the Parliament, accusations of Bulgarization, assimilation etc.

"They burned the agreement in the Parliament, they said they defended the country, MPs signed notary statements pledging they would not support the constitutional amendments, they wore 'No' t-shirts," said Kovachevski.

Правична социјална држава е еден суштински дел на нашите политики изградени врз принципите на правичност, сочувство и солидарност. А за време на најголемата економска и енергетска криза, пока

One press conference invalidated all that rejection, the PM said, making the inclusion of part of the Bulgarian people in the Constitution not a problem.

"One statement made the constitutional changes acceptable, they consented to being part of a government with SDSM and other parties. No turned into Yes, because Yes is always stronger than No," said Kovachevski.

The SDSM leader said he was certain along the way that VMRO-DPMNE would listen to the right voice and join the just cause "in securing the European future for our current and future generations".

"This decision is for all citizens getting up and going to work each and every day to make an honest living and by paying taxes, for all the mothers whose children have left to make a living in the EU. This decision is made so that our children stay here, it is made for a higher birthrate," said Kovachevski.

He added that all political stakeholders must use this opportunity and secure the country's European future.

"We have a chance that should not be missed. We have been waiting many years for this chance. We will not get a better deal than this. Therefore, let's make the decision we will all be proud of together," underlined Kovachevski.

Photo: MIA and SDSM