• Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Kovachevski: ‘e.GO’ investment in TIDZ Tetovo is of great importance for the state and local economy

Kovachevski: ‘e.GO’ investment in TIDZ Tetovo is of great importance for the state and local economy
Skopje, 13 August 2022 (MIA) - The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, represented by the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones and Next.e.GO Mobile SE signed Saturday in Technological Industrial Development Zone (TIDZ) Tetovo an agreement for state aid for a new investment, which foresees manufacturing electric vehicles ‘e.GO.’ Addressing today’s event organized on this occasion, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said that today, the foundations will be laid for the investment, which is worth EUR 130 million in the first phase alone and will open at least 890 new high-paying jobs. “This investment is of great importance for the state, but also for the local economy and the development of human potential in Tetovo and in the country. With this significant investment, North Macedonia confirms once again that it is a country that offers excellent conditions for investors, with a stable economic and political climate in which international companies such as Next.e.GO Mobile SE have a trusted partner,” Kovachevski said. He expressed satisfaction that for the first time, a complete car will be manufactured in our country. “In North Macedonia, parts for cars from world brands have been produced until now, but now we have full production of the final product right here. And this is really a big thing,” he noted. Electric vehicles ‘e.GO’ will be manufactured in the Technological Industrial Development Zone (TIDZ) Tetovo, is an integral part of the global production capacity of ‘e-Go’, which is intended to supply both the national and the international export market, Kovachevski said. "Such investments are proof that as a government we successfully use all the necessary mechanisms that provide the expected results, enabling conditions for further faster and sustainable economic growth and development," Kovachevski noted. Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi, Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi and Head of the Directorate for Technological and Industrial Development Zones (TIRZ) Jovan Despotovski addressed the event on signing a contract on launch of new investment ‘e.GO.’