• Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Grubi: Full Bechtel-Enka contract not delivered to anti-corruption commission due to confidentiality clause

Grubi: Full Bechtel-Enka contract not delivered to anti-corruption commission due to confidentiality clause

Skopje, 1 June 2023 (MIA) – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi said on Thursday that the complete contract with American-Turkish consortium Bechtel-Enka for the construction of corridors VIII and X-d, hasn’t been delivered to the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption due to its confidentiality clause.


“The contract has a confidentiality clause. In order for it to be delivered to the media, Parliament and SCPC or any other institution apart from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, there must be consent from both sides, i.e., from the Government and the Bechtel-Enka consortium. They delivered a redacted version which has been submitted to the SCPC,” said Grubi, in answer to a journalist’s question.


The complete contract, according to Grubi, has only been delivered to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.


Photo: Printscreen