• Sunday, 26 January 2025

Eight people arrested in Albanian Flag Day incidents  

Eight people arrested in Albanian Flag Day incidents  

Skopje, 29 November 2024 (MIA) - Eight people have been arrested after participating in Thursday’s incidents when a Macedonian flag was desecrated during a celebration of Albanian Flag Day, Interior Minister Panche Toshkovski told journalists on Friday.

The Minister said four of the arrested are being suspected of violating Article 319 of the Criminal Code – causing national, racial or religious hate, discord and intolerance – which, he said, warrants imprisonment of at least one year.

He said all of the arrested are young people, with one being a minor. According to Toshkovski, one of the arrested was caught setting the Macedonian flag on fire, while another one was lowering the flag.  

The other four people were arrested for participating in a fight.  

Minister Toshovski said the police responded appropriately and professionally to the incidents.

“Fortunately, there were no victims, there were no serious injuries. Fortunately, the desired scenario of some ill-wishers to involve the police in certain events in a way that they think it should be involved didn’t come to pass,” Toshkovski said.

Министерството за внатрешни работи во минатото издавало дозволи за оружје на лица кои не ги исполнувале законските услови и по спроведена внатрешна контрола 15 високи полициски службеници доб

He stressed that no one should be allowed to incite interethnic tensions in the country.

“I would once again like to send a message to those who are thinking of causing any scenarios to destabilize the country. We will respond fiercely and harshly to any such attempts. The police are mature, professional and ready to respond to all challenges,” Toshkovski said.

During the night, the Minister said the police fully cleared up several cases, while others were solved partially. In most cases, he said, the police will continue to act in the coming days.

Toshovski called on everyone who has information about Thursday’s incidents to deliver them to the Interior Ministry.

People waving flags while being driven in cars across Skopje and several other cities in the country in which the majority of citizens are ethnic Albanians celebrated Albanian Flag Day on Thursday. Videos posted on social media show several men desecrating the Macedonian flag and a car running over it. 

Political parties from the country, both ruling and opposition, condemned the incidents.

Photo: MIA Archive/Screenshot