• Friday, 25 October 2024

Despotovski says he'll run for SDSM leader in symbolic announcement in front of Museum of City of Skopje

Despotovski says he'll run for SDSM leader in symbolic announcement in front of Museum of City of Skopje

Skopje, 5 June 2024 (MIA) – The Director of the Directorate for Technological and Industrial Zones (TIRZ), Jovan Despotovski in a news conference held in front of the Museum of the City of Skopje said he would submit his candidacy for SDSM leader.

The party is in difficult situation and its needs a fresh start, he stressed. 

“Behind us is the railway station, which was devastated by the deadly earthquake 61 years ago. We’re announcing today a new program for a fresh start of a new SDSM. All of our team will work on SDSM rising from the ashes to become a new party that unites, the same as Skopje had risen from the ashes to become the beautiful city that is today,” said Despotovski.

If elected party leader, he stated, I will introduce a new mechanism for the party to act as a constructive opposition.

“Also, we will form a shadow government, which will provide the citizens with an option to think and compare. We will act as a constructive opposition that won’t criticize at any cost, which will also make us different from past practices in the party and in the country. We will offer cooperation to everyone, including our political opponents,” he said. 

Despotovski called on his opponents to champion together a fair election in the party, saying “SDSM only with a clear election process will be able to start a process of re-building.” 

Photo: MIA