• Thursday, 06 March 2025

Decision on Worth It becoming a single party to be taken after 2025 local elections

Decision on Worth It becoming a single party to be taken after 2025 local elections

Tetovo, 16 July 2024 (MIA) - BESA leader Bilal Kasami said Tuesday the "Worth It" coalition will take part in the 2025 local elections and, depending on the outcome, will decide whether to become a single party.

"The coalition will have a joint coordination body in the coming period, consisted of two members from each party, the president and one deputy, as well as 'Self-Determination' representative Bekim Qoku as the ninth member. In addition, a commission on personnel affairs will work on the appointment and dismissal of staff and monitoring of the work of our officials within the Government. In addition, 'Worth It' will have a spokesperson until next year's local elections, in which the coalition plans to take part as a single entity," Kasami told reporters.

Градоначалникот Тетово заедно со началникот на СВР Тетово и директорот на ЈП „Градски паркинг“ денеска на булеварот „Илинден“ извршија надзор на состојбите во сообраќајот, по вчерашната одлук

According to him, the local elections will serve as a roadmap for the next steps of the coalition.

"The election results will show whether we continue as a single party. Communication until now has been excellent and we hope for it to continue, so that the merging of structures comes naturally," noted Kasami.

The 'Worth It' coalition consists of four parties - Besa, Alternativa, Democratic Movement and the Arben Taravari wing of Alliance of Albanians - supported by the 'Self-Determination' movement from Kosovo.