• Sunday, 21 July 2024

Criminal charges filed against Kochani firm for illegal felling of 97 beech trees

Criminal charges filed against Kochani firm for illegal felling of 97 beech trees

Skopje, 10 February 2023 (MIA) – Kochani police inspectors filed criminal charges against a Kochani business and its manager V. T. (53) for illegal logging. According to the Ministry of Interior, the loggers cut down 97 beech trees from a protected forest in the Osogovo Mountains.


"The charged entity, against the law, without a written agreement with PE National Forests – Skopje for logging and delivery activities from a state forest and a protected area in the Osogovo Mountains, illegally felled beech wood in the total amount of 207.44 cubic meters in September 2022," the MoI report says.


According to the report, 97 beech trees had been illegally felled, stored, and prepared for transport from Sept. 22 to 30, 2022.


"The illegally felled logs and the illegally stored beech firewood (unstamped) were found in the State Forest Economy Unit 'Zletovska reka – Ponikva,' and then seized and handed over to PE National Forests – Skopje," the report adds. ad/mr