• Monday, 01 July 2024

BESA’s Kasami refuses to take part at leaders’ meeting in Parliament

BESA’s Kasami refuses to take part at leaders’ meeting in Parliament
Skopje, 7 November 2022 (MIA) – BESA leader Bilal Kasami said Monday he would not take part at the meeting of political party leaders in the Parliament, summoned by Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski. “The meeting is a formality to save DUI from the obligation of sitting on the table with representatives of parties of ethnic Albanians, at which DUI should have briefed them on the realization of the undertaken commitments, including the incorporation of the Albanian language in the Constitution,” said Kasami. He said BESA is always prepared for settlement of issues related to people’s rights through dialogue, since this is of vital importance and an internationally guaranteed right. “I repeat, we have no dilemmas on the country’s integration but we will not allow the Albanian people to be treated with humiliation in the Constitution. We are a statehood nation and as such we will have to be treated and respected by the country’s laws”, said Kasami. He added that none of the parties from the Albanian bloc responded affirmatively to BESA’s invitation for a meeting.