Ademi – Larsson Jain: Gratitude over Sweden’s support for North Macedonia’s Euro-integration processes
- The Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs in Parliament, Arber Ademi, held a meeting Thursday with the Swedish Ambassador to North Macedonia, Ami Larsson Jain, during which he expressed gratitude over Sweden’s support of North Macedonia’s Euro-integration processes, but also satisfaction with the excellent bilateral relations.
- Post By Angel Dimoski
- 16:25, 20 April, 2023

Skopje, 20 April 2023 (MIA) – The Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs in Parliament, Arber Ademi, held a meeting Thursday with the Swedish Ambassador to North Macedonia, Ami Larsson Jain, during which he expressed gratitude over Sweden’s support of North Macedonia’s Euro-integration processes, but also satisfaction with the excellent bilateral relations.
According to a press release from the Committee on European Affairs, at the meeting Ademi also thanked the Ambassador for the Swedish assistance in improving Parliament’s capacities, in the field of democracy and the rule of law.
“Ademi voiced his gratitude over the Swedish support for our Euro-integration processes, especially during the current Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and in that context he expressed satisfaction with the great relations between the two countries, characterized by political dialogue, friendship and cooperation,” said the Committee in the press release.
The Committee added that at the meeting Ademi and Larsson Jain exchanged their opinions over the country’s progress on the path to the EU, the constitutional amendments process and Sweden’s reform cooperation program, which aims to assist the country’s EU integration.
Photo: Committee on European Affairs in Parliament