• Saturday, 22 February 2025

Unions react over fast-tracking bill on administrative officers, urge for public debate

Unions react over fast-tracking bill on administrative officers, urge for public debate

Skopje, 30 January 2024 (MIA) - Trade Unions have come out with reactions over fast-tracking the bill on administrative officers in Parliament.


According to the Unions, important bills on labor rights are being fast-tracked without observing the standard procedure, with no public debate and social dialogue. 


"If such a law passes, the responsibility will be on those who pass it and on those who proposed it, especially because such a law means that there will be about 2,500 denars less for public sector employees to whom the Law on Administrative Officers applies, which is impermissible to happen at the end of the mandate, a few days before elections in Macedonia," the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (SSM) and the Union of Administration Workers, Judicial Authorities and Citizens' Associations (UPOZ) say.


They demand that the draft law on administrative officers, which regulates the rights and interests of part of the employees in the public sector, goes through the entire legal procedure and that a SSM representative participates in the work of the parliamentary committees, where their remarks and proposals would be considered.  


Сојузот на синдикати на Македонија  бара да се преземат напори за да им се помогне на работниците, претпријатијата и јавните служби да ја надминат кризата предизвикана од коронавирусот.


The Confederation of Free Trade Unions (KSS) also calls for public debate on the bill.  


"The fact that reforms in the administration are one of the key requirements and a fundamental area in the Negotiating Framework with the European Commission should not be overlooked. The new legal framework was supposed to improve human resource management throughout the administration and help ensure merit-based staffing, promotions and dismissals at all levels, including senior management structures. Given the importance of this law, it was expected that it would be adopted in a broad public debate, with the inclusion of all stakeholders, and especially the trade union organizations that represent the rights of employees in the public sector," the KSS says. 


According to KSS, the fact that these legal texts have not passed the filter of the State Commission for the Prevention of Corruption, which was supposed to give recommendations over nepotism and political influence in the hiring of employees in the public sector, is no less important.


После неуспешната епизода во Министерството за труд и социјална политика, министерката Мила Царовска се обиде социјалниот дијалог да го пренесе во Владата како Вицепремиер, но сега собирајќи


The draft law on administrative officers, as part of a package of laws proposed by the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, is on the agenda of the Parliamentary Committee on European Affairs, but the session has been rescheduled for 2 pm. 


The VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group held a press conference, demanding immediate adjournment of the session and adoption of a conclusion on holding a public debate as soon as possible, which would include opposition MPs, trade union representatives, professors, experts and the public.


Photo: MIA archive