Two companies from North Macedonia listed in "SEE TOP 100" ranking
- Two companies from North Macedonia are included in the SEE TOP 100 ranking list for the biggest companies in Southeast Europe (SEE) for 2022, SeeNews said in a press release on Tuesday.

Skopje, 24 October 2023 (MIA) - Two companies from North Macedonia are included in the SEE TOP 100 ranking list for the biggest companies in Southeast Europe (SEE) for 2022, SeeNews said in a press release on Tuesday.
Johnson Matthey DOOEL is ranked 30th, with a total revenue of EUR 2.5 million, a 19 percent increase compared to the previous year, while Okta AD is ranked 99th place.
The SEE TOP 100 ranks the biggest companies in Southeast Europe by total revenue for the fiscal year, which ended December 31, 2022. The publication also includes rankings for the largest banks and insurance companies in the region.
"Despite geopolitical turbulence, soaring inflation and declining demand, Southeast Europe's one hundred biggest companies closed 2022 with a record-high double-digit growth in their combined revenue," the press release reads.
According to SeeNewsa, the biggest companies in Southeast Europe booked combined sales of EUR 223.9 billion in 2022, a 46 percent increase compared to the previous year. Their total profit reached EUR 10.3 billion, up by 61% as compared to the profit of the entrants in the ranking a year earlier. The ranking limit significantly increased to EUR 975.6 million in 2022, from EUR 699 million in 2021, twice as high compared to 2021. ssh/nn/