Trenchevska: Gender equality our goal, commitment, mission

Skopje, 17 November 2022 (MIA) – Every change starts from us, said Minister of Labor and Social Policy Jovanka Trenchevska while attending the promotion of a mentoring handbook for women in public administration on Thursday, alongside OSCE Deputy Head of Mission, Jeff Goldstein.
Minister Trenchevska highlighted the significance of the mentoring process, which aim is to strengthen one another and transfer prior knowledge, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy said in a press release.
“When speaking about gender equality we primarily speak about a human right. This mentoring process raises the awareness among all of us regarding the equal treatment of men and women in administration. Women are hired in the administration as department heads but the top positions are mainly occupied by men, including managers,” said Trenchevska.
She added a change could occur only by having aware women within the administration, women possessing the courage and knowledge to manage a certain institution.
The mentoring handbook for women in public administration is a product of the mentoring programme implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the OSCE Mission.